
Eric T. Lander

I am currently working on a large-scale study of sentential negation in the early Nordic dialects, using runic, Eddic, and skaldic data. In addition to my pursuits in Germanic historical linguistics, I am interested in linguistic theory and typology more generally. Much of my work has been in generative grammar, especially the theoretical framework known as nanosyntax. I have worked on various topics: articles, complementizers, deixis, demonstratives, extraction, factivity, grammaticalization, negation, and ontological categories.

Below is a list of my peer-reviewed publications, some of which can be downloaded. I also use this list as an opportunity to acknowledge and correct – to the best of my knowledge – any mistakes or errors on my part, so some of the papers include corrigenda.

If you'd like to get in touch with me regarding my research, feel free to email me.


My book, Volume 13 in the series Brill's Studies in Historical Linguistics, could be considered the published version of my dissertation on the morphology of the reinforced demonstrative pronoun 'this' in the oldest North and West Germanic, but in many ways it is a separate and distinct work. I view the book as the fulfillment of an implicitly stated research question in one minor section of my dissertation, namely §6.3, where I discussed, in a rather speculative and in retrospect wholly inadequate way, the runic attestations of the reinforced demonstrative. A full investigation of these issues, I realized, would require book-length treatment, and the result can be found here: The History of the Reinforced Demonstrative in Nordic (2020). [corrigenda]

Other publications

With Liliane Haegeman. 2014. Old Norse as an NP language. Transactions of the Philological Society 112(3): 279–318.

2015. Intraparadigmatic cyclic and roll-up derivations in the Old Norse reinforced demonstrative. The Linguistic Review 32(4): 777–817.

With Trang Phan. 2015. Vietnamese and the NP/DP parameter. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 60(3): 391–415. [pdf]

2015 [defended Jan. 22, 2016]. The Nanosyntax of the Northwest Germanic Reinforced Demonstrative. Dissertation, Ghent University. [with corrigendum] [pdf]

2017. Gothic sai and the Proto-Germanic verb-based discourse particle *se. In E.O. Aboh, E. Haeberli, G. Puskás, M. Schönenberger (eds), Elements of Comparative Syntax: Theory and Description, 477–498. Boston/Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. [with corrigendum] [pdf]

With Liliane Haegeman. 2018 [online 2016]. The nanosyntax of spatial deixis. Studia Linguistica 72(2): 362–427. [with corrigendum] [pdf]

With Lena Baunaz. 2018 [online 2017]. Syncretisms with the nominal complementizer. Studia Linguistica 72(3): 537–570. [pdf]

With Lena Baunaz. 2018. Deconstructing categories syncretic with the nominal complementizer. Glossa 3(1), 31: 1–27. [pdf]

With Lena Baunaz. 2018. Cross-categorial syncretism and containment in Balkan and Slavic. In I. Krapova and B. Joseph (eds), Balkan Syntax and Universal Principles of Grammar, 218–246. Berlin: De Gruyter. [pdf]

With Lena Baunaz. 2018. Nanosyntax: The basics. In K. De Clercq, L. Baunaz, L. Haegeman, E. Lander (eds), Exploring Nanosyntax, 3–56. New York: Oxford University Press. [pdf]

With Liliane Haegeman. 2018. Syncretism and containment in spatial deixis. In K. De Clercq, L. Baunaz, L. Haegeman, E. Lander (eds), Exploring Nanosyntax, 116–148. New York: Oxford University Press. [pdf]

2021. The etymology of the Nordic negative enclitic -a/-(a)t. Arkiv för nordisk filologi 136: 73–134. [with corrigenda] [pdf]

2023. Thoughts on the etymologies of enn and hinn in Nordic. Nordic Journal of Linguistics. [pdf]

With Lena Baunaz. 2023. Modal negators in Romeyka Greek and the negative functional sequence. Rivista di grammatica generativa 45(1), 1–25. [link]